SWISS APPROVAL ALBANIA PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Ltd. with its qualified staff offers its services for Inspection and CE Marking of Elevators:
SWISS APPROVAL ALBANIA PRODUCT CERTIFICATION performs initial inspection/ certification of lifts of passengers and goods acting as a Key Location of SWISS APPROVAL TECHNISCHE BEWERTUNG inspection / certification body.
SWISS APPROVAL TECHNISCHE BEWERTUNG is an accredited organisation from Hellenic Accreditation Organisation (ESYD) and notified body (NB 2221) at the field of inspection / certification of lifts according to Directive 2014/33/EU and standard 81-20 as follows:
- For final inspection (Annex V) of the Directive as a Type A Inspection Body according to EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard
- For EU type examination and conformity based on unit verification (Annex IVB module B and Annex VIII module G) as a Product Certification Body according to EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard
SWISS APPROVAL ALBANIA PRODUCT CERTIFICATION has the authorisation to perform these activities as a Key Location of SWISS APPROVAL TECHNISCHE BEWERTUNG.
SWISS APPROVAL ALBANIA Ltd is an Approved Body for conformity assessment for the inspection of passenger and goods elevators, as it is also accredited by the General Directorate of Accreditation with registration number TI 036 dated 08.11.2018 and following renewal dated 07.11.2022, for inspection of elevators for passengers and goods’ initial and periodic inspection, as approved by the Ministry of Finance and Economy initially dated 17.12.2019 and following renewal dated 29.12.2022 with identification number OM 004.
- Elevators for Passengers and Goods
- New Elevators and In Use Elevators
- Elevators for Passengers and Goods
- New Elevators and In Use Elevators
Legal Basis:
Law No. 10489, dated 15.12.2011 On the Trade and Supervision of the Market of Non-Food Products.
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 1056 date. 23.12.2015 for the Approval of the Technical Rule “On the Safety of Elevators in Use”.
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 192, dated 4.4.2018 on the Approval of the Technical Rule “On Elevators and Safety Components for Elevators and Determining the List of Harmonized Standards”.
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 643, dated 2.10.2019 For some changes in the decision NO. 1056, dated 23.12.2015, of the Council of Ministers, “On the Approval of the Technical Rule On the Safety of Elevators in Use”.